
One-on-one. Looking to work with other highly charged individuals who are looking to take themselves to the next level. Creating and making calculated moves to help you scale with a bigger vision.

Let's tackle a crowd in-person or virtual. Motivation, efficiency, financial systems, or entrepreneur based speaker who can use her story, energy, and knowledge to impact and educate.

With a team, Kristy is part owner in a fully licensed GA based residential contracting company. She steps in to help others to make calculated real estate moves with vision and creativity.



Data obsessed and a risk-taker with things my heart wants. Detail obsessed when it comes to systems. Passion driven, and a lover of deep conversations to try and understand the what and why underneath all the layers. Blessed to be a mom to three unique boys, and yes, I like to change my hair often! Thankful for His grace and plan for my life.

My boys 


(GAYTON Formerly Dickerson)

I am not just one thing!
I bet you are not either! 

Entrepreneur, Productivity Expert, Business Coach, Finance Nerd, Dreamer, Overachiever, Lover of Design, Adventure, Coffee and Cuddling

More About Kristy

as seen on

cre·ate- /krēˈāt/ verb: bring (something) into existence.


I am a creator at heart, and I love to "build." I create from scratch and bring thoughts, physical creations, and ideas into existence. I don't like being stuck in a box, and I am not just one thing. I credit my Creator for crafting all He has in my story and etching in all the ways to be His vessel. 
I see myself as a bridge, a visionary with a keen business sense, and I am deeply rooted in purpose, which is the desire of others' hearts is my driving force.  
I have had a unique path, professionally and personally, full of redirects, pivots, successes, trails, and restarting. As an entrepreneur for over 16 years, I have been creating companies, building physical creations, pushing others, and have lived an out-of-the-box life. I want to remind you that you are unique. You are that one in a lifetime, and my goal is to inspire you to move and help you create and forge your path as you desire. 
 From a young age, I have also been highly charged and motivated, which has left me feeling different and perhaps even out of place in many environments.. Maybe you can relate? I look forward to connecting and creating with you. 


I love edm, country and a little rap music. I love eating clean fuel and sharing some of my favorites along the way. I love optimizing productivity and sharing how you could too. I love design and I have high end taste but, homegirl also loves a deal! I love getting dressed up and sharing natural clean beauty products and anything that helps me to be more organized I am obbessed with! I love business and love helping seeing others succeed.  I was a photographer for 10 years and I have written a book, so you often share my way to create  is through images and sharing words. 

VISIT My most loved products 


the informal

Over 14 years of sharing, writing, growing, and documenting pieces of my journey… When I started my wedding photography business in 2009, I started this blog at the same time, as a way to connect.  




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