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Inspiration: Royal 10

When I am needing a boost of inspiration I like flipping through fashion magazines and also going antique shopping…yes I said antique shopping. I love anything vintage, okay well almost anything. There is just something about old suitcases, wooden baseball bats, and textured chairs that makes this girl want to do a happy dance. I look at all these vintage items and it leaves me wondering who used it and how, and it just fascinates me.I came across this typewriter last week and I just had to have it. It works like a charm and just needed some new ink ribbon. I ordered the ribbon and I have to say I was a bit shocked that typewriter ribbon is still even sold…. I mean really? My husband looked at the typewriter…shook his head and said I don’t even want to know. So I have to figure out a way to use it or else 😉

I look at this black beauty and I am just amazed that this used to be cutting edge technology… it just blows my mind. Just think, in a hundred years from now, where will we be with technology? Happy Monday y’all!

  1. Great work! I just discovered you through Twitter! 🙂 You should totally do a photo shoot and design the whole thing around the typewriter! I’m in search of one for myself too! 🙂

  2. Kristy Dickerson says:

    Awesome! You better believe that something will be coming to the blog very soon with a typewriter in it!

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